03 September 2020
Harry Smith will be providing an "Adjudication Update" webinar in conjunction with The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and The Adjudication Society on Thursday 3rd September 2020 from 10:00 am till 11:00 am. Details on what will be covered in the webinar, and how to register, are available below:
The Supreme Court decision in Bresco v Michael J Lonsdale is set to change the adjudication landscape in cases of insolvency. But with the equal emphasis on the right to adjudicate at any time and the recognition of its value as a dispute resolution mechanism in its own right, what other changes can we expect? Harry will look at these related issues. In addition, Harry will touch on several other recent adjudication enforcement and Part 8 decisions.
About the Speaker:
Harry is a well-known and highly respected construction specialist and his views will be of great interest to all those involved in construction dispute avoidance and resolution. There will be the opportunity for questions to be submitted using the ‘chat’ facility during the webinar. Time will count towards education hours.
Register here: