02 November 2019
Justin Mort QC will be speaking at the upcoming IBA Berlin construction projects conference. His panel session covers “The IBA Rules v the Prague Rules in construction arbitrations” and will be chaired by Michael Schneider of Lalive (Geneva).
This is the 7th biennial conference on construction projects by the IBA and other topics covered over the three days include:
• FIDIC’s 2017 v FIDIC’s 1999 Conditions
• Defects liability periods (and the like): what are the pitfalls?
• Smart contracts: how might technology disruption change construction contracts as we know them?
• The importance of the applicable law. How far do lawyers from civil law and common law backgrounds view the same construction law issues differently?
• Hardship laws in times of uncertainty: when might contractors successfully rely upon such laws?
• The (in)applicability of liquidated damages for delay and the relevant factors that drive their reduction in many jurisdictions
• Arbitrator selection: ethics and considerations
• Prospective vs retrospective assessments under construction contracts
Event Details:
Date: 31 October–2 November 2019
Venue: Hotel de Rome, Berlin, Germany
Day 1: Drinks reception from 1830 – 2030
Day 2: First day of conference from 0830 – 1750 | Conference dinner from 1900
Day 3: Second day of conference from 0830 – 1310
Programme: https://www.int-bar.org/Conferences/conf1000/binary/1000-Berlin-Construction-programme-2019.pdf
Registration: https://www.ibanet.org/Conferences/conf1000.aspx