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James Frampton Accepts Offer of Tenancy

11 September 2017

Keating Chambers is pleased to announce that James Frampton has accepted an offer of tenancy on the completion of his pupillage. 

James is developing a broad practice across the range of Chambers’ practice areas, including Construction & Engineering, energy, Infrastructure & Utilities, PFI and property disputes. During his pupillage James gained extensive experience of court litigation including assisting his supervisor on a three week TCC trial concerning a high profile London office block. 

James is also familiar with arbitration, including an international arbitration claiming US$1bn regarding a power station in the Middle East, and forms of alternative dispute resolution such as adjudication. Marcus Taverner QC (Head of Chambers) said: “It is a pleasure to welcome James as a new tenant. He excelled during the pupillage process and has already started to develop a successful practice at Keating Chambers.”