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Chambers & Partners - Asia Pacific 2020

04 December 2020

The Chambers & Partners 2020 Asia Pacific Guide was launched on 4 December and it recommends John Marrin QC as an "in demand" arbitrator in the region and both Philip Boulding QC and Simon Hughes QC for their international arbitration expertise as counsel across Asia. 

Their individual recommendations are listed below: John Marrin QC of Keating Chambers arbitrates particularly extensively in the construction field – one source calling him one of "the two most distinguished construction arbitrators in the world" –  and is also notably active in the energy and resources, infrastructure and technology spheres. 

Commentators on his work in the Asia-Pacific region use such phrases as "absolutely first-class" and "gold dust," one observing that "he is highly respected by both advocates and clients, which is not easy," while another notes that "nothing seems to faze him." Philip Boulding QC of Keating Chambers commands a very high reputation as one of London's "premier construction silks," with "enormous experience in Asia" in general and "a massive practice in Hong Kong in particular," where he is "very focused on construction arbitrations for Chinese clients." Instructing solicitors value him as a silk who is "always well prepared for any meeting, able to present very clearly to everyone, including lay clients, and turns work around very quickly." 

More than one source also alludes to his reputation as "one of the fiercest cross-examiners when it comes to court or arbitration," one noting that his name alone serves "to scare the other side." In addition to his Hong Kong-related work, he also offers experience of cases concerning issues in Australia, Macau, the Philippines and Singapore. 

Simon Hughes QC of Keating Chambers practises almost exclusively in international arbitration, most of his work concerning construction or energy-related disputes, many of which originate in the Asia-Pacific region. Cases with an Australian connection feature particularly prominently. He receives enthusiastic feedback from both peers and instructing solicitors, one interviewee noting that his "ability to come up to speed is nothing short of extraordinary," another citing his "technical capability, absolute mind for strategy and ability to work across jurisdictions," all of which are "highly commended."  

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John Marrin KC
John Marrin KC
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