We are pleased to announce that our Chief Operating Officer, Alison Crosland, is now a member of the LPMA’s Executive Committee.
The LPMA (Legal Practice Management Association) was founded in 1996 with the intention of providing a supportive networking forum for those involved in legal practice management.
The association was established:
To promote Practice Management within the legal profession.
To promote the establishment of Practice Management as a professional role utilising a wide range of management skills within the legal profession.
To encourage members to undertake professional training and keep up to date with developments within the area of Practice Management.
To arrange meetings and training sessions on relevant topics for Practice Managers.
To establish links with other relevant professional organisations for the benefit of the membership.
The Executive Committee on which Alison sits, is co-chaired by Clare Bello (Cornerstone Barristers) and Jemma Tagg (Twenty Essex).
Alison is passionate about helping people achieve their best. She is also a trained coach and member of the International Coaching Federation.